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Let's check out the products!
This is a beautiful red color. It's opaque with one swipe. I really love the minty feeling on the lips. This is a great sample size. I'd recommend this if you like lip crayons and if you don't mind the mint scent and feel on your lips. I would love to try other shades.
I was very happy to get this highlight trio especially since I was getting a highlighter brush! I mean what are the odds of that? I have to say this is pretty great. The three shades are beautiful. The only negative I have about this is the gold isn't going to look good on my cheeks so I'd have to use that as an eye color instead of a highlight.
This is a wonderfully soft brush. It washed great and didn't shed. It is perfectly tapered. Overall a great highlighter brush.
I am very impressed by this sample. This is a beautiful day cream. It is thick and luxurious. This is a very hefty sample. I may have to take the plunge and purchase a full size of this because it is amazing.
This is the first ever face mask I've ever used and to say it was strange is an understatement! This was a hilarious experience, haha. My husband is probably scarred for life after seeing me in one of these. It was very funny. The product was amazing. I left it on the whole 20 minutes. Afterward, my face felt amazing. I couldn't believe how soft my face felt. I loved this. I may have to purchase more.

Check out March's bag here. The theme last month was Hello, Spring.
Disclaimer: I purchase ipsy each month with my personal money. Any review is my personal opinion. All product pictures are from the ipsy website unless stated otherwise.
Also, here is my affiliate link for ipsy. Use my link to sign up and I get 250 ipsy points!

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